The Truth or Something Like It?


So it seems that since the beginning of civilization, there has been misrepresentations of the truth; embellishments; and facts so skewed that if ever there had been a truth, it was long gone.

So we all know that having The Donald in office sparked the well overused phrase of Fake News but really, as it turns out, we've always lied as a species. The News, once somewhat pure in form, is now divided and self serving. I do not feel it is a public service any more.

Most of us are taught that the truth is valuable and that it needs to be told. But once that truth might discolor who we are as the story teller; well, the game is on, so to speak.

I bring this up because ... 

this behavior hurts us as a people,
it hurts my heart to know that I cannot trust knowing between fact and fiction,
and it hurts America because it continues to divide us as a cohesive group of people.

It's just plain bad. 

And there's no stopping it or those who lie for their own desires and well being. And maybe even for their own enjoyment. I can only speculate at this point.

So that's all. 

Just a little public service announcement for those who might give a damn.