Saying One Thing BUT Doing Something Entirely Different ...


Our Congressional and Presidential Rulers

So I want to seriously speak with all of you about something.

I want to say that we, or most of us, are smart people. We know not to walk in the middle of traffic. We know how to take care of ourselves for our survival. We know most of the time what others think of us and it does dictate our actions.


In the case of how America is run, we have been dulled into a fog of contradicting words and signals.

Please allow me to explain.

Just like the picture illustrates; we have long asked ourselves why our Congressional Leaders have better pay; health insurance; vacation time; and really better lives than the people they represent. I mean, why? And yet out of their mouths come the statements that They are Our Public Servants? I'm pretty sure we didn't coin that phrase and if we did, it was under a mistaken view of who They are because They are not; they have never been servants, but because we are trained to believe what we hear more than what we see, we Believe them and their words despite what we see.

If they really represented us, they wouldn't be living better than us, would they?
They wouldn't have a better life experience than us, would they?
They certainly would have raised the minimum wage, knowing the numbers of what it actually takes to have a decent living today, wouldn't they?
And in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic in 2020, with people sheltered and no money basically flowing in our society they chose to debate and pass that July is National Blueberry Month. All this while people begged for a financial stimulus; for help of any form.

I know it doesn't take a brick to hit you in the head for you to realize that we've been lied to for YEARS. We've been deceived as a whole. And I am certain, just as the sun rises in the East, that the bulk of Americans do not want to acknowledge that they've been fooled this badly.

Honestly, we need to admit that our Government is not for Us.

We need to admit that we've been fooled terribly.

And we need to admit and bond in the fact that if our American System is to Thrive, that those who truly represent us need to absolutely represent us and not their own facet in life.

I ask you all to dig deep in yourselves; research for the answers; and hopefully you'll awaken to the reality that is our country and political system. 

I'm not saying revolution; but really, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck? Honestly, those in power will not step down from that power so really, what is to be done?

Dig Deep for the answers and try to survive your week!