Theory vs Reality ... Where the Pavement Ends
I always tend to look on the sunny side of things. Always been that way; hope I always will. And I love theory even though I know that's not usually reality ... again, sunny side.
So in theory, given the present disaster circumstances in America, the independent, small business, Gig Work, should have easily gotten a grant for $10,000; and been able to have already applied for unemployment at a minimum of $767.00 a week for approximately 3 months. In addition, there should have also been a route for this small business person to have gotten a government payroll 'grant' in essence for salary lost for approximately 4 months. Good right? That's what I though.
The reality of the grant program is that they're paring down that $10K to $1000 per person and that's with extremely limited funds so maybe a hand full got that money. I was not one of them even though I had my application in 3 days before the program actually opened up.
And as we look toward unemployment, the Gig Work portal won't even be available until the 28th of April (in California), which, in my case this all came crashing down on March 11th so better late than never? So now this system should work our for us Independents, and I do remain hopeful at this stage.
And the PPP program. Well, it doesn't matter what you're making or doing this year; it's basically geared toward your Schedule C on your taxes from 2019, which I get that they want real numbers. Sadly I invested in just under $10K in new gear at the end of last year and had been targeting an increase in my income this year. Realistically I was just told I'll get just over $4000 and that's if the corporate giants with billions in the bank don't come and scoop up the next round of funding at $10Million each give or take. It was a blow to see what's classified as 'small business' in America.
So, with with really no choices at my disposal and poor resources as I write this, I still remain hopeful in the Revolution and some good changes coming out of all this bloodshed.
Necessary workers haven't made a living wage (insert Working Poor here) since the 70's I contend, and there is no safety net for the Working Poor and what's left of the Middle Class (which I'm told has a working household of $126K). And I can't even speak to those workers on 'the Fringe.'
Yes, time for a System Overhaul.
And since I'm going to veer off again, here's my wish list for our society ...
ALL Government Seats; city, state, fed; all have to go thru job interviews give by the general public and displayed on every web platform now and yearly.
Term limits not longer than 2 - 4 years with a job evaluation yearly (oh, just like real companies).
And no pensions or fancy medical; this has to be more like main stream America where our government officials have to live just like the working class in America. How can we believe anyone who doesn't even clean their own homes can even relate or care about us (see in Praise of Feeder Cattle post).
Election coverage needs to be funded as a Public Service and not sold to the candidate with the fattest wallet. It would be my hope that average, hopefully good people, could run and shape this country.
A requirement that all government officials have to work together and speak monthly at the very least. I think if social media has shown us anything, it's that we need to be together rather than running our own agendas.
Minimum wage standards. At least $35 and above per hour. Base this on the standard that a person should never spend more than 1 week's earnings on rent. I leave the math to you what's common in your areas.
And, honestly, I don't hate or envy the wealthy. But I do hate when people below the wealthy are not treated fairly. I'm not condoning Socialism; I'm just saying there's probably enough money if we, as a society, distribute it a little better. And maybe if we had more standards drawn up by the actual public instead of our upper end representatives who clearly have long not given a damn about what we need as a society, this could happen. What's that old phrase about letting the fox in the hen house? The Foxes are having and have had just a grand time in America.
Okay, thank you for letting me get this off my chest. Agree or don't ... I'm finding that it's good to speak my truth. Rock On you Working Poor ... Rock On!