Finding the Middle Ground in all this ...
So, if you've read the previous posts you'll see a range of emotions and questions; questions that no one has answers for.
That said, I believe I've found the middle ground in all of this.
Sure, I'm frightened when supply chains break down.
Sure, I want to FIRE every government official that we have in this country and start over. I mean, what a royal cluster fuck this is. And, yes, we all don't have answers but we put our trust, money, and lives in the hands of others who basically did nothing in advance to help this situation.
Ahhh, what do I mean by this? Well, and it's easy to look back and judge so I get that. But I would have thought that, when this started and people at the top knew this, that they (whoever they are) might have taken steps to consult and update all the state government officials so they in turn could alert all the, oh, say grocery and medical outlets, to ration because, in a day or so there would be a ... wait for it ... National Broadcasting Alert. Yep, we drill the shit out of those and this time; with what certainly qualifies as a national alert, did nothing; said nothing; and then there was the panic. So, yes, I see that the could have been handled instead of just thrown upon everyone to do as they could.
So, that said, I have taken comfort with some on line friends that lift my spirits.
I live in nature so I have a nice home and environment to shelter in.
Oh, and let's talk about shelter in place shall we? I do not believe that this means to go jog your neighborhood ... meet with friends ... hang out. By the very definition of Quarantine it does me to become solitary or to separate out. And since we have no way to measure healthy or not, we should all keep to ourselves but clearly that's not happening. And then some of those same people constantly harp for all to shelter at home. Really? At home? Like your ass is at home? Laughable at this point.
And, yes, to quote my favorite these days, "You cannot manage, what you do not measure" and we have no way to measure anything with this; so this is a complete cluster fuck.
Knowing what I know now, and living a pretty modest lifestyle, I am comfortable in my mind and realize there is no definitive end game in sight. So I feel I've found a nice rhythm to my life at the moment, and I'm just gonna run that out until the end; whatever the end turns out to be.