The 12 Steps ... more or less

So, I feel like since being swept up in the Corona Effect (my new term) that my mental state is a lot like dealing with a 12-step program.

Initially I was like, okay, there's a problem but is it really big enough to shut down the world? Nothing can shut down the world except that planet killing meteor, right? Well, wrong, as it turns out.

Then I was, okay, I can go on with my life as is; which is mostly solitary anyway. Wrong again.

Then, yesterday, I hit 'angry' ... angry that we as a society got swept up into this so blindly; angry that we can't just go get tested as to know exactly; angry that life (financial and personal) has been over ended; and angry that powers that are supposed to look after 'us' have failed miserably. Oh, and angry at friends who have forgotten how to be polite and caring during this ordeal.

And now we come to today.

Again, I'm mostly solitary so despite thinking about how to pay my bills, I optimistically want to see a bright side to this.

I see businesses who have gotten a wake up call and maybe will scale to accommodate a smaller group of people, while making a profit, providing jobs and living a better life overall. I think a lot about the small eateries back East that serve seasonal foods and are in smaller spaces that accommodate a hand full of people instead of the business model of having to move thousands thru just to break even every day.

I see that the working class might wake up to the truth that a lot of us have terrible wages that do not provide enough money in a month for proper food much less shelter and medical. So my post about a 'living minimum wage' a while back might not be such a dream after all.

I see the wealthy a little less wealthy but with financial inequality so hugely gapped; I want to think that we'll be looking at and adjusting that as well. Because, you can be a billionaire of a company but without your workers, what will you have? I do not think I need to answer this for anyone at this time.

I see TONS of grant monies for research on animal to human viruses and how to cure or render dormant in animals before it has a chance to make a jump (something we should have been working on since the SARS incident).

I am not foolish enough to think we will come together as a people because we have been trained from birth; from our ancestors to pick sides. So pick sides we will and we will never be as good as we can together as long as that is the case.

So today is my day of quiet reflection. A little budgeting. And of course, a horror movie or more to break the mood.