Society: In Praise of Feeder Cattle ...

So if you're not from the country, you might not be familiar with the term 'feeder cattle' so let me hit you with it:

"Feeder cattle are steers (castrated males) or heifers (females who have not dropped a calf) mature enough to be placed in a feedlot where they will be fattened prior to slaughter."

If you've never thought of the working class as feeder cattle, now is the time to look around you and think about this.

With the Corona Virus panic in full swing, I find that we 'all' have unlimited internet without paying more. Utility companies, regardless of our own self worth, are mandated to keep 'all' of our lights and heat on. And our overloads, ah, lenders, are moving payment dates and waiving late charges for most all of us. Even our filing/payment of taxes has been moved 90 days off the April 15th deadline.

Why? Because we are a good society? No. Because people care? No. Because our President said so? Maybe (in some cases). But really, it's because without those of us working there would be no economy. Yes, we are the feeder cattle. We are kept alive and somewhat cared for only to turn our money back into the main stream.

Harsh you say. Maybe, but it's my blog and my opinion and I'm fine with that.

Prove me wrong? Case in points below in favor of my view.

The wealthy pay less of a percentage in taxes with the line, "but they pay more total." 

Well, if they paid the same percentage as the working class, then the working class could pay less because those who have more would ultimately pay into the system more.

Oh, we can't pay a better minimum wage; it would hurt companies and they'd have to lay off workers.

Ah, no. The top end executives are so heavily laden financially that if their pay and bonus numbers stepped down, then those working on the lower rungs of the company ladder would, by default, be able to make a living wage. (see previous post for rant on living wage vs working poor).

And let's talk about the CDC and the Media. I don't think either could have notched up the panic level higher than they did. For Fuck's Sake, you don't need to frighten the masses just because you can! 

I agree that, yes, it's a new virus that mutates. So do others and we have never been sent screaming to the edge of the economic cliff.

Yes, it spreads quickly. But very few die. And, news flash, we are all going to die. Not that I want to rush anyone (well, maybe a couple people that come to mind ...) but honestly, lots of our old and immune compromised folks die from conditions that result from a cold or flu.

And then let's talk about the scare of 'our hospitals can't accommodate everyone' ... EVERYONE WHO? It's a formula; it's not real. It may never be real. A meteor could hit and destroy the earth and it's a formula -- it's not real yet people.

Am I in self quarantine? Sort of. Yes, there are random trips to the post office (to file taxes) and the grocery store (in search of eggs) but after watching tons of Zombie movies, anyone with any sense at all knows unless EVERYONE and EVERYTHING grinds to a halt; the infection spreads. So, while I'm stuck doing what most are doing (nothing); we're probably not going to see the end of this until the weather turns warm and the virus dies. Oh, wait, just like the flu virus. Yes, the same virus that also loves cold and travels around the earth every year making the same cycle; mutating; and infecting.

So, in closing, as one of the feeder cattle of society who's work life has ground to a halt; I am on the WTF side of this. I do think this situation could have been handled much better. I do think we all have been herded into a panic by the  talking heads that creep into our lives every day. I do think this has been handled very irresponsibly by the media and cdc. I think our President is trying to do damage control and for those who think this is a Party conspiracy ... go check yourselves.

To my friends; stay safe and keep busy - don't lose your minds and maybe enjoy some good horror movies to keep perspective.

Rock On! Hopefully we feeder cattle will be back producing the economy sooner than later.