New Year; New Goals; New Me ...

Okay, so while it's probably not advised to jack your boss's phone; work force selfies did happen and were appreciated with the humor offered. That said, I am taking this year to mold myself a bit. Lemme explain ...

I like who I am.

I keep working on my shortfalls but overall I like me; but I find that I have some HUGE issues when it comes to compromise and that stops this year. I love compromise but when it's something that affects your mental health, then it needs to be addressed. And, as some of you may know, I step up; I'm an Aries and we step up ... except in some circumstances when I suck back hard and have to be whipped forward. That stops this year too.

In working with Deb Trout and having to learn to be up on our own legs (photographically speaking) it has given me a confidence and made me very interested in such things as lighting, consistency and fairness in the workplace. Then Deb and I have both been lucky to meet and work with Danette Philpot who is yet another Aries and still has her mentor up and running with Larry Williams Photography. She has been the biggest factor in my curiosity of how things work (as she is our group voted Ms. Fix It). And to round out Deb's collection of Aries, we all enjoy it when Laura Rogers of Star Mountain Paint Horses gets time to work with us! She's not only a photographic star at the Back Drop, but her new business, Next Level Pulse, keeps our aches at bay. We love her!

Compromise you say?

I need space. I grew up in a family that had no spacial boundaries and so once I got on my own I was hard pressed to give up my personal freedom and room to roam. I also get very overwhelmed with the energy and vibes of the people around me so for the first couple of years being at a horse show I was just mentally exhausted once it was over (like, sleep for 2 days exhausted). I'm better now, but I need to decompress at the end of the workday and that means having a private room. In the world of freelancers, this is a HUGE additional expense in a world where every dollar counts but Deb supports my mental health and space is granted.

I recently accepted work for another show photographer working admin for them and was going to compromise on my sleeping arrangements and then, new year upon me, I gathered my nerve and said the single room was a deal breaker. And while this may seem a simple request to a lot of you, for the small business horse show photographer it is not so I know the value I have put upon myself going into this new year and I feel good about it. I may lose the job but I will sleep well either way.

So, may all of you not only resolve in this new year but grow and live your best lives. Be Happy because we won't all be here forever.