Lessons Learned ...
Over the past few days I've thought a lot about feelings.
For the life of me, I cannot find the NPR discussion where the discussion was about the fact that we actually stew in our bad feelings, as that chemical in our brain lasts longer than the euphoric chemical. Maybe as animals we should dwell more on the bad things to avoid, what, being eaten? chased? or worse. But whatever the reason, the bad stays with us longer.
So, knowing this, I am trying to address the bad feelings by giving those, who make me feel bad, some feedback about what they've done; or I blog (which has turned out to be pretty great for my mental state), and then I try to layer a positive or good thought overtop of that.
I also am trying to learn to just walk away from the people/things that bring me down and enjoy and embrace those good things that come along.
Yesterday I had such a stellar day. And I embraced it fully.
Today I gave feedback to someone who needs it but I'm certain will ignore it.
And also today I will go forward and try to apply positive things to my being.
Enjoy the day and let no man (or woman) put you down!