Onto a Better Mental Trend ...
So mentally I am challenging myself to keep the current moral, political atrocities in perspective while trying to mediate and keep my mind clear and positive.
I realize that me just waking up to the fact that this country has been mind controlled by a hand full of people who have the most of everything and keep taking from those of us that have something (and sometimes near nothing) isn't going to fix the situation instantly.
"America has not faced a crisis of this scale in a century. More than 1 in 10 Americans are currently going hungry, including 17 million children. More than 1 in 3 adults are currently having difficulties paying for basic expenses like rent, food, and bills. 1 in 7 American familieshave a member of their household that is unemployed and unable to get work.
These Senators would seem to rather keep millions of people starving and living in abject poverty than risk giving a handful of people a little bit more money than they perhaps need. It’s repulsive, shameful, and entirely unnecessary, and we’ll be telling them so - and urging the Biden administration to do the same.
The Patriotic Millionaires"
- I acknowledge that I have no control over most things in my life.
- I acknowledge that I was wrong thinking once I grew up and left home that it would be my life. It is far from it.
- I acknowledge that I have no personal control over my social media feeds. Those in power of the Feed control everything moment and are legally allowed to invade my privacy at all costs.
- I acknowledge that I can control how I think.
- I acknowledge that I can set boundaries that make me comfortable with people; situations; things.
- I acknowledge that I have a good life that I have worked and planned for.
- I acknowledge that I have good people in my life, be it near or far, and that is a blessing in and of itself these days especially.
- I acknowledge that I am older and that death is eminent but I will not be afraid to go in public and live my life.
So as I continue to work on my mental and I will get back to my physical health; I wish you all the best and enlightenment. I still believe the Revolution will come for us all.