Are We Really This Stupid?
Well, welcome to 2021 the younger sibling of 2020. Oh yeah.
So, I start 5 years ago or more mentioning to my friends in conversation that not only will The Donald win the presidential election; but that it's a direct result of poorer (and I mean most of us) Americans desperately needing a change; needing decent monies in the bank just to live; decent food or food on the table in general; decent and affordable health care; decent and affordable housing ... just fucking decent everything.
Of course, my statements fall on deaf ears and all they can think about is how they hate The Donald. And, okay, personality shouldn't be a consideration for public office (clearly that's demonstrated with more than a few of our elected officials). And The Donald wins the Presidency.
And, much like Bill Clinton's terms in office, with our government officials fight among themselves for 8 very long years with very little to nothing being done for the working class, I have watched the same thing play out with this presidency and this behavior IS NOT OKAY. okay.
Honestly, are we not smarter than this? Do we not see that those in power care nothing for any of us? That they simply spend their days doing what they want for who they want? Do we not see that this has to change? Do we not see that we have to figure out a way to basically reshape our own government?
I feel my head will explode every morning when I wake up and I think, yep, the apocalypse isn't coming; it's been here forever and we've just been sleeping; we've been complacent; it's been good enough (as said by my BFF for yearssss) and that's been good enough.
But now we have a pandemic.
Now people are literally being thrown out of their homes; going hungry; losing their jobs; businesses; and everything they've worked for anD nothing ... NOTHING is being done by our government officials to help in any meaningful way.
Initially back in March of 2020 the recommendations from The Fed Chairman, J. Powell, were implemented and monies came directly to the people in need. BUT when that term ran out, our government cried that it was too much! That the people needed to exist on less! That they shouldn't have much money! What? Really? While none of you (our representatives) couldn't get lunch on what they proposed to give the people. Talk about wrong. I just look at all of this and think, are we really this stupid? How on earth did we allow this to happen? And then I think, well, the system was set up by those with resources and power and thus, the system was never set up for the average American. It was set up to keep the poor sort of well off enough so that they'll work. Really again? People by their very nature want to work but not to work and live in poverty. What's the point?
And then there is the Pandemic itself.
So we hear, and have heard, about the death rate for MONTHS. I can turn on a tv or radio and hear that number hourly if not every few minutes. I am fully aware of what the death rate is in this country; in other counties; in the world. I get it. People are dying of this virus.
Being the upbeat, optimistic gal I am, I decide to publish the recover rate because, yes, we are working on a vaccine so that most of us will not die; thus not get or recover. Well Fuck Me, I get complete push back on my little glimmer of good news with ... yep, you guessed it, the death rate. People, really ... go cry about the sky falling from your own front doors but when some of us try to look at some good in all of this ... leave it the fuck alone and don't argue! Seriously, when did we become this inconsiderate of another person's feeling? comments? life?
I'm over being stunned.
I'm over being angry at people in general.
I get why Christ is quoted as saying, "forgive them for they know not what they do" ... real or imagined, it's appropriate. But seriously, how do we get past all of this?
Till next time ... try to survive.