Thoughts on the Future of our Species ...
I had a thought yesterday and it was big; really big, at least to me.
I followed a rabbit hole down Instagram and wound up with a Santa's List for Non-Binary Teens in need. And a lot of them asked for 'binders' which I promptly Googled, thinking it much be some legal thing but no, to my surprise it's just an article of clothing.
But this whole thing got me to thinking about Evolution and who we are.
We aren't the same species we were in the 1920's or even the 1800's. We are taller, healthier, smarter? and I have to wonder if I am witness to yet even more evolving of 'us' with this movement of not really identifying with being male or female of our species.
So The Hubbs pipes up and says, "well only women can create us" and he's not wrong but what if, with this evolvement, that men too will someday be able to create us?
For me, this is an exciting train of thought. And I have to wonder how many others of us have had or will have this same view?