A Sunday in December's Ramblings ...
It's not too early on this Sunday; breakfast has been cooked; sleeping clothes have been changed out for daily wear; and I am basically avoiding unpacking more of the home. So rambling thoughts it is!
I'm gonna let today go where it wishes, so first up; IF the virus (Covid-19) had arrived in America back in December of 2019, should we not have seen cases of it and some increase in emergency/hospital attendance? Since I have few or perhaps no friends to realistically debate this with, I'll do it here by myself.
I suppose on the one hand you could say that cases increase by cases and that if there were only a few; then probably there wasn't enough to make a noticeable difference. But then, if this thing is so rapid in how it spreads; we should have seen a huge spike in hospitalizations way before March. Right? I wonder about this often.
I do enjoy talk of aliens; spiritualism; dreams; the question of how did things get here and happen so it's not all that much of a stretch that I throw in for some conspiracy thinking. The one that I really can't get past is that this virus is a bio weapon released on purpose. So, The Hubbs says, why would China use the virus on it's own people? Really? Like China, America or any country actually gives a rat's ass about their 'unwashed masses.'? Ah, no or we in this country would be in better shape (but more on that later). So I hold on bio weapon. It's no secret that we, both as countries and the individual human, keep dangerous things that we shouldn't have. I'll leave it at that.
And now about FaceBook (FB). Initially starting out as a nice thing to connect old friends and people who might want to explore new friendships and such. But, like most things, it's been bastardized into a greedy, for profit, information sucking entity that most cannot or will not live without. It's a pity. And it's a pity that we do not have a "Miss Manners" to help us navigate social media platforms in general.
My biggest complaint, which has now cost me several friendships, is that people on social medial platforms think it's similar to real conversations. So they say things they'd never say in polite company to someone. They hijack and bully conversations. They often times tell people what to believe or belittle them if they don't think the same as the person doing the belittling. It's out of control and it's damaging. We have seen the creation of Frankenstein's Monster and now we are paying the price for not understanding enough about it. I'm told from a good friend that you have to pick and choose what you throw in for on FB. And I have found that this works well enough but sadly it could be a much better place if we were much better people.
And what about people in general? We are all not in this together and this has become glaringly apparent. And, because of social medial, apparent to EVERYONE. And yet, Congress goes on vacations; gets their pay and benefits; and debates about the lives of millions of people who are disparate for their very existence. I have no words to describe the horror of this and yet this is what we've allowed.
I've long felt the values of things in America (and I will keep calling us America because clearly we are not any sort of United anything much less States) were shifted away from nurturing the good in everyone to the for profit mongering of a few.
We gut our school systems only to pour monies into prisons.
We build industrial complexes and remove parks and open space.
We have a massive double standard in this country that has now ballooned into a current horror.
We've alienated entire populations of our society only for the ego and benefit of other populations.
We've turned our college systems into money makers where graduates never pay off their student loans and do not get the well paying jobs promised or expected.
And we, as a whole, have been lied to about so many things. And yet, people pick and choose what and who they believe to the point of violence to ourselves.
I personally do not see how we will get out of this.
I see a collapse in the economy far worse than both 'depressions' and that's on the bloody, greedy, misguided hands of our Congress.
I see a sharp increase in suicides; starvation; homelessness; and sadly drug abuse. I might note here that my own brother-in-law committed suicide this year so I know of what I speak.
I see people in power convince themselves they are so above the law, as to be king of their rule with no thought to get input from others for good choices.
And that probably brings me to another reoccurring thought; that we all think we are right; superior to each other. I do ask myself if I am blowing over someone else's rights; thoughts; in the pursuit of my own views. But I hope that by asking myself this question, that I am keeping myself in check of the feelings and rights of others. I do not think this is the case for a vast many people and they just steam roll over anything or anyone who does not do as they say; see as they see; or have what they have.
Overall, these thoughts create a huge weight that I carry every day mentally.
I carry the weight that I do not have any control or anything; that at any time someone and or something can come and destroy my life simply because they can.
Yet, optimistically, I get up each day; dress up each day; and show up to my life each and every day in the hopes that we as a society will start doing the right thing for each other on this planet.
I know that yearly around this time we all think about Peace and Good Will. But, much like a good marriage, relationship, life; you have to actually work on peace and good will. You have to work to be good people and to think of others.
Until we are willing to actually put in the work; there will be no peace. There is no good will. There is only power; greed; and ego.