And So, Here We Are ...
So much to think about these days.
So much not being done and yet being done.
Where does a person begin? I will start with The Virus ...
photo by Markus Spiske via
As Molly Wood, of NPR's Make Me Smart said back in March; when Nancy Pelosi went Clothes Shopping while Americans were sheltered in place with no job; no income; uncertain of any future and waiting on a Stimulus Package;
"Pitchforks and Bonfires People, Pitchforks and Bonfires."
So to say that I'm surprised at our Congress, the very people WE PAY to look after our well being in this country, that they've not only put anything in place to help us in this time of crisis, but they have taken I believe 2 vacations. Economists and J. Powell of The Fed have all cautioned that our country will collapse if The Working Class does not receive help.
Now let me take a moment to remind you all that the US Government prints it's own money; it can never go broke; it can never run out of money for things it considers important. We, as the used to be Working Class who have been gutted by not being given proper living wages vs costs (inflation? perhaps we need to rethink this) and the ability to have any savings accounts (check those interest rates if you doubt me) have to earn our money. We need jobs but the US Government wants our labor so this is why we have money; i.e. incentive.
But after the 70's the power's that be must have thought it was fine to alienate 90% of the Working Population with regard to decent, living wages and the ability to save in order to support wholly a mere 10%. Thus my hashtag of #stopfundingthewealthy ... because they clearly do not need any more money. The Working Population of this country now need jobs and wages to prop them up to levels not seen since the 70's.
How to rid ourselves of an entire government (and I speak here of Congress at the moment then perhaps we could look at state and local governing bodies next) who feels that oppressing many groups of people is okay; that it's fine to do business as usual; it is just fine to be so well off that you literally don't care when others suffer; even if it is the bulk of society.
Well it's not okay. It never was okay but we didn't have a unified voice. Black Lives Matter and the senseless death of George Floyd ignited the powder keg of hostility and oppression that's built up in America since basically the Founding Fathers (who, I might add, were all wealthy). We have a united voice and so many issues that need addressing.
We are a country that has always been run by the Wealthy. And the Wealthy could give a rat's ass about us. They function for their bottom lines and their good and this needs to change. I believe it will change because, with Social Media, we all now know. And having knowledge that you're being abused is the first step to resolution (or maybe revolution?).
As stated in my previous post, my sadness and anger with this country isn't with The Donald. I view him as the catalyst that has started this chain. And as much as I like Kamala Harris, I find that 'The Good Old Boys' of the Democratic party didn't think enough of her to put her in the Presidential Driver's Seat but wanted to keep the tried and true career politician in place so's to keep business as usual in Washington and I say no. Don't vote for Biden if you think there will be a change in this country because there will not. And as VP Harris won't have much power to do anything. She's just there for the votes. And, hey, I like Biden. He's from my home state but for Christ's sake -- he's what, gonna be 77 years old in November. This is not acceptable. If he had been younger; oh wait, perhaps it should have been Bernie Sanders but he's not in the Good Old Boys Club either so he had no chance. Sense a theme here? Business as usual people. President Trump has shook up the hornet's nest and now is the time to keep him in place and continue the change that is shaping America. Of course; vote your heart. We all have our views and while I have lost friends over this issue and others, I still feel good that change is a foot.
Stay Angry; wear your mask; look over your elected officials carefully and vote for change!