Thoughts on Failure ...

So the theme I noticed today on Social Media is the act of failing. I asked the The God of Google 'what is failure' and got this:

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J.K. Rowling

And if anyone can attest to overcoming failure it would be Rowling. Her books (The Harry Potter Series) had been rejected by 12 publishing houses. But she kept her chin up, had a super good agent, a bit of luck and her story ended happily and successfully. Well done, I say.

I am a very cautious person. I can only think that this has a bit to do with being brought up in a modest, lower middle class family mixed with my general nature. But I don't necessarily dream big or go out and take big chances ... well, I didn't.

Now, as an older woman, for some reason I feel empowered and adventurous! Maybe it's because I make my own living; I've seen enough life to get a feel for what happens; or maybe I just believe I can, so I do! Regardless, it's terrific to fail; to then learn, but mostly to not be afraid. Fear and circumstances can hold back a person from blooming. But once you find that failing isn't the end of the world - unless you're dealing with nuclear weapons which we shouldn't have anyway - it's very empowering.

So as we wrap up 2019 I look back at the year and the lessons learned. I think about bravery and comfort and the adventure that is life.

Happy New Year to us all! May we be brave and fail and do wonderful things for our lives and our society.
