As We End 2019 ...
As I wind down the year, with 2 additional pounds of weight tagging along for the moment, I thought I'd chat a bit about what I think about this year. I know, I know, you just can't wait. But, really, don't we, as a society, want to talk about what works and what doesn't and how we can make life better for all of us? I do. I'd like to sit down and hammer this out with anyone who's willing to chat but sadly my words will fall silently on this post. Bots aside.
So my first thought is that if our government would spend the time on homelessness and hunger in this country rather than in fighting as a past time of the wealthy, then I believe our country would be cooking right along with good things for all.
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to eat the rich. I don't even hate the wealthy. BUT, the Middle and Low Classes cannot keep bearing the brunt for our existence. What I mean by this is that the average worker (here in SoCal as an example) really should be making a minimum of $35 an hour to be able to afford to live. JUST LIVE. That's food, shelter, clothing, and medical (give or take). Basic rights of everyone with thumbs on this planet I say. And to keep saying that our entire economy is dependent on the purchasing of manufactured goods by a core group of people who cannot afford them is criminal.
And then I hear the argument (from the business community and wealthy) that they cannot possibly pay even $15 an hour min. wage because the costs of goods would be too high. TOO HIGH? Really? Because if you, upper tier management, wasn't making 6 figures, I'm sure money could be allocated for all in the company AND produce making a profit. And I'd be happy to audit anyone who says otherwise.
Then I turn to our government. The other wealthy that we put IN CHARGE OF US to do what? They're so busy hating each other's party candidate that we either have to have a dual Presidential system where 2 humans get to run the country or we abolish ... yes, that's it, abolish the parties so there is no them and us. Oh, and let's open up the system to include people like us that don't have billions of dollars and can actually get into an office and have sympathy for those of us that actually have to clean our homes ourselves or cook for ourselves or, even better, that actually have food on the table and electricity to have cooked it with. I could just go on forever but I realize I'm using the word 'actually' wayyyyyyy too much here.
I believe (and see) that our country has always been run by the wealthy. Perhaps they, being better off than the rest, have more time to think on these high matters? Perhaps the working class doesn't care and likes being ruled? But whatever the reason, we need updating. We need a voice and people who not only hear us but listen to us and act for us. That's what I sold on initially in my government studies in school. That's not what I see I have.
So, as we close out 2019 and head boldly into 2020 I plan on seeing The Hubbs and me move to Idaho where we will have a better chance at affording a really nice life.
I plan on growing my personal photography business as well as enjoying the adventures of working for Don Trout Photography and hanging out a bit with Deb, D'Net, Laura, & Becky!
Happy Holidays and a Very Good New Year to us all!
So my first thought is that if our government would spend the time on homelessness and hunger in this country rather than in fighting as a past time of the wealthy, then I believe our country would be cooking right along with good things for all.
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to eat the rich. I don't even hate the wealthy. BUT, the Middle and Low Classes cannot keep bearing the brunt for our existence. What I mean by this is that the average worker (here in SoCal as an example) really should be making a minimum of $35 an hour to be able to afford to live. JUST LIVE. That's food, shelter, clothing, and medical (give or take). Basic rights of everyone with thumbs on this planet I say. And to keep saying that our entire economy is dependent on the purchasing of manufactured goods by a core group of people who cannot afford them is criminal.
And then I hear the argument (from the business community and wealthy) that they cannot possibly pay even $15 an hour min. wage because the costs of goods would be too high. TOO HIGH? Really? Because if you, upper tier management, wasn't making 6 figures, I'm sure money could be allocated for all in the company AND produce making a profit. And I'd be happy to audit anyone who says otherwise.
Then I turn to our government. The other wealthy that we put IN CHARGE OF US to do what? They're so busy hating each other's party candidate that we either have to have a dual Presidential system where 2 humans get to run the country or we abolish ... yes, that's it, abolish the parties so there is no them and us. Oh, and let's open up the system to include people like us that don't have billions of dollars and can actually get into an office and have sympathy for those of us that actually have to clean our homes ourselves or cook for ourselves or, even better, that actually have food on the table and electricity to have cooked it with. I could just go on forever but I realize I'm using the word 'actually' wayyyyyyy too much here.
I believe (and see) that our country has always been run by the wealthy. Perhaps they, being better off than the rest, have more time to think on these high matters? Perhaps the working class doesn't care and likes being ruled? But whatever the reason, we need updating. We need a voice and people who not only hear us but listen to us and act for us. That's what I sold on initially in my government studies in school. That's not what I see I have.
So, as we close out 2019 and head boldly into 2020 I plan on seeing The Hubbs and me move to Idaho where we will have a better chance at affording a really nice life.
I plan on growing my personal photography business as well as enjoying the adventures of working for Don Trout Photography and hanging out a bit with Deb, D'Net, Laura, & Becky!
Happy Holidays and a Very Good New Year to us all!