Voting in America. What Does it all Really Mean?


When I had turned 18, and was then of age to register to vote, it was a big deal to me. Which party to choose; who was 'better'; and I was hopeful that my voice would be heard among those like minded people who wanted good for all. Welllll, not so fast and not so much. Little did I realize that we have an "us or them; tribalism" mentality in our species and not an 'us' mentality.

I chose to register as a Republican simply because, when asking my Mother what the difference in the parties was, she had replied "Republicans have money" and so why in the Hell would I not want to be in a group of people that perhaps would increase my own self worth? I mean, I grew up, as I put it, lower middle class but honestly I was probably poor. Now, I didn't grow up poorly but financially it wasn't pretty.

So fast forward to today; and why I cannot vote in today's election.

I live in Texas and I couldn't be happier but, unlike California, my previous residence, we do not get 'booklets' here with all the candidate and ballot proposal voting information. Now, you can find things out on the web and my county does have information but it's cumbersome at best. Then, the two things I REALLLLYYYYY want to know about each candidate are "what is their net worth" and are they "career politicians" because these two things will influence me about their worth as someone who will fight for and care about the average person in this county.

I could be wrong, but I have always stood on the fact that our Government 'servants' really were ruling us and 'we' are the servants. I mean, how can you not come to that conclusion? They have the best healthcare; income; vacation time; and even hours of work. They play the games of the Wealthy with no (and I stress here) NO regard to the majority of people working for pay that is too little to even meet their overhead to live. It's wrong and it's been wrong for a long time.

I know voting is important. 

But voting alone does not work if 

a) you are only given choices by those in the ruling class and 

b) if those few good hearted people who get elected do not carry a majority to actually be heard.

I am currently watching Chairman Powell pummel the working class people with the only tool he's given to use (by Congress) while the Wealthy price gouge this country and roll with laughter no doubt. It's horrific; it's wrong; and yet, 'those in power' have made the rules and are enjoying their lives while most of this country is living day to day and all the while being told stupid shit like "pull yourselves up by your boot straps" and "we don't need charity" ... sickening.

So to the day to day workings of this country I have a new term ... I try to keep my head from exploding and, while I am sad I am not voting today; I cannot without having proper information about the people who might be representing ... us? themselves? who knows. Anyway, my term is "Theater" ... it's all a show from those in power to keep the American Public terrified and quiet. 


I would love to make my choice if I felt I actually had choices.

Do not fall for all the Theater; research and find out all you can about everyone you can. Surely there are good people out there who would represent the average person in this country.

Addendum: After a bit more thought, I would also like to see an actual check list for each candidate citing accomplishments and who they benefitted. Yeah, that.