Am I a 'Drama Queen' ?
Such a great image to illustrate this topic huh? I mean, she's in a nice dress; looking very helpless in the ocean ... oh poor her!!! lol
Okay, anyone who knows me, knows that I am as far from a Drama Queen as you can get. But! Recently I have come to know several people (actually within my own family) who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Yep, and it's amazing to watch once you know what you're looking for.
So with that on my mind, I thought I'd just toss out some facts here in case you too wonder why you do not get along with someone and you can't quite put your finger on it.
What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? has a pretty extensive overview of the problem.
To boil down my post ... I recently told my oldest nephew that he needed to change his phone number (to avoid constant drama from his soon to be ex) and write up an actual budget instead of his Mom funding him (like, since he was in HS). His response to me was something along the lines of "I would appreciate bullying and belittling with your words to stop." Now, I've always been very supportive of this kid. I realized he was a little different but upon experiencing how his behavior changes when he's asked to do something vs being doted over ... well, amazing is all I gotta say. And, if you know me; you know there will be ripples from this incident as well. Bad behavior should never be rewarded. N E V E R people. It's just not okay to behave like this.
There are always going to be Narcissists and we must just put one foot in front of the other as we move forward and away from these people.
Choose friends and family carefully and Rock On with your week!
I am off to Sin City! Fab Las Vegas with Deb Trout for the APHA Zone 2. I don't gamble but I do find that a new horror "Men" is showing at the South Point! Woot!