One of Those Low Days ...
It's just one of 'those days' ...
So I find that I like to put stuff out into the Universe and then have it boomerang back with a realistic result. And usually this works fine ... BUT ... there are days that run into weeks where things do not return in a timely manner; meaning that I wait for answers and have open ended routines going. So I get, ah, annoyed. And as these things pile up without resolution, I get R E A L L Y annoyed. That's where I'm at today. It's the "boo hoo, poor me" syndrome that's I've hit today. So rather then just wallow ... I thought I'd put my thoughts into words to ease my burden.
First up; America. Yes, America. I still refuse to call us the United Anything, because clearly we are not. But once I dug deeper into who we are and how we are ruled (pay attention, this is an important word); I've come to the very solid; very sad; very final conclusion that our being 'represented' is such a big, fat Lie. Yep, we are not represented; our representatives (for the most part) could care less about what we might want or need. Nope. They care only about themselves and what they want and need. And because they set up the system (government) ages ago; it's set up for 'them' and not us. So I have to get use to thinking about the Fact that we are Ruled as a people. Democracy is a loose concept that we have been lied into believing and it's not entirely true. Yes, we have some freedom but usually to choose only the choices handed to us; not really to 'choose' freely. I sort of thought about this like round penning a horse. We ask the horse to do what we want and when it doesn't, we make it's life harder so it feels the original choice is good. It's really a lie to get what we want from the horse. So; when you think you are 'represented' in Congress ... it's a Lie. We are Ruled by our government. No more ... no less.
That thought just hit me like a ton of rock. And really it's because my BFF and I chatted and of course I am all militant and defiant and she, being the really logical one of us, asked me what I can 'actually' do about it all. And the truth is; I can do nothing. Now, small groups of us do get some changes in society or we'd still have tiny children working away in sweat factories. So I strongly believe there can be change but now I have come to the realization that we will never truly be a thriving, Democratic country because of the power, greed, and uncaring of our Rulers.
Then I move onto my personal life. I think of myself as a 'giver' when it comes to my time; knowledge; and just general good will. But then, after all is said and done, I find that really, people don't care. It was a moment and they move happily along with their lives without so much as a 'thank you for your time' so to speak. I mean; I get it now. And now I will try to think of my time as mine and I will make myself go do something good for me with it. Because now I'm sad at how I see myself as having been treated.
All in all, I find these small realizations fascinating and moving. I cannot help but think that I'm having a growth spurt. And I try really hard to keep an open mind even though I really want to throw a tantrum; throw myself on the floor and just carry on until someone picks me up and tells me it'll all be alright. Yep, that's not gonna happen. But personal growth; that's happening. I just hope I can survive it with a decent attitude!
Rock On People and know that what you think you know is a Great Lie.