Birthday Thoughts ...


Well it's been another trip around the sun for me; another year closer to my death. Yes, I do have a fixation with death but we'll not get into that here.

This year's birthday was super nice, as I discovered a fantastic new restaurant; I am getting time to nest in my new home; and I feel I'm still working a lot because Uncle Sam would like me to pay quarterly taxes now -- because, hey, he surely needs the money more than me, right? Well, that's not right but we'll leave it at that for the time being.

Getting older comes with a price -- basically aches and pains. As a woman you are thought of as not really viable for certain work (which is not true but we are ruled by white men so there is that). So finding your place while aging is a bit of a challenge.

On the plus side; I am embracing my love of all things strange and unusual so my mind is filled with ideas and colors. I am unafraid to try a little art here and there ... to play if you will. I was never afforded the opportunity to play while growing up. It seems that from the word go all I thought about was earning a living and having a job. Play was not a part of that picture.

Being a Photographer, you'd think I would play some but actually, the work of photography is very serious business for me and I've never taken it lightly. Perhaps this year I will try to get out and play some with the gear.

Covid-19 concerns are still alive and well in America. My view of  'the President controls the country'  is sadly outdated and everyone, everywhere has the right to their own way (well, except the low to middle laborers ... but again, for later). So with news being everything from factual to bedtime stories; from county to county; mayor to mayor making decisions about small areas; states rights being all over the place; and let's not forget that our Police in some areas still do not value 'all lives' and thus we still have issues there (but, again, for another time). I feel like America is returning to Pre-Civil War Days ... which each area calling it's own shots. I'm just waiting for individual currencies lol.

So for me at this moment in time, I am content to just live. I keep as fluid as possible with my attitude and actions; and I really seek the company of my own kind because I have found out that we really are all very diverse and most of us think we know it all and wish to tell the rest of that just as much ... so, my kind tend to be open minded and easy with each other. I like that most of all.

I've also freed myself of the guilt that I've never been close to my younger sister. Yes, there is a younger sister and while I finally had the time to think cohesively about 'my issues' and how she and I could work on them -- I have discovered that she is an absolute, without a doubt, complete asshole. And this is the single reason we are not close. So, relieved of that burden, I close the book on that chapter.

So all in all, I look forward to this next year and will continue to try to not squander each day given to me. And I still keep the long view that the issues facing America will get resolved for the better of the all and not, as has been, for the few.

Rock On all of you who are lucky enough to be Aries! We Rule! And, to the rest of you ... You Rock Too. :)