And Update on Life ...

Yes, that's me. On any given Sunday Morning, 11am Pacific Time, you can find me tuned into Instagram and a guy named Deon Cole. Deon is a comedian and a sweet sorta guy who, I suspect, was lonely with the lockdown and he decided to try his hand at DJ'ing. Turns out, he's really smooth at it and his loyal following attend "Disco Sunday Fellowship" every week with him. There's great music, and toward the end of the day he'll catch you up on the latest news, and then there are the names. Don't ask me about it ... just know, there are names lol.

All that aside, I cannot complain much about life in general. EDD (the CA unemployment system) is taking care of me as the Gig Worker that I am. And the EUC (government expanded unemployment coverage) has kept me paying my bills even though the shows I lost would have exceeded the amount some. So I got nothing bad to say about the unemployment benefits. I am hopeful, even as I return to work at the end of July for the International Buckskin World Show, that benefits stay in place for others because all of business as we know it just isn't gonna be there for us in the very near future. Less capacity means less money and that's less staff so do the math.

Now onto the SBA (Small Business Administration). Nice folks; they always pick up the phone and they never make you feel rushed or stupid. I applied as an Independent Contractor and was denied. Since I 'am' an Independent Contractor and have been since 1994, I disputed the denial. Surprisingly this week I found some $$ from them in my checking but it's a long way off of what I requested; and there has been no correspondence so I'll be getting on the phone again this week for a chat. But, like I said, nice folks. They didn't bastardize the system .. that was our government leaders.

Which leads me to my favorite saying right now ... everywhere; all the time; in a small voice and with a big voice I say ...


Yes. There it is. I'm all about BLM (Black Lives Matter); I'm all about all the great protests and changes that are are swirling around our country today but the 'fact' that we have been bullied into being run (and have always been run) by the Wealthy is just short of criminal now. When 1/10 or 1% hold as much wealth as 90% of the population ... that's a crime. The inequality gap must be closed up both for wages and benefits to ALL in our society.

Now I'm not saying 'eat the rich' ... no, there are a TON of ways that we can increase the value of our 90% working class and I'm happy to discuss it with any and all of you. To add to my knowledge of economics, I'm currently reading The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton and it's eye opening. And having J. Powell (yes, he's wealthy too but he's using his super powers for good not evil) on the side of working America and a strong Economy is just a blessing right now. So even if you know nothing about economics I say to you; go take a look. Go see how things work and how we can be so much better about who we fund; what we fund; and why we fund.

As for the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. OMG, talk about an eye opener. I tend to shuttle the slavery discussion because, really, it can't be fixed in my mind. But to find out that the entire Black Culture has been held back economically; emotionally; and even physically since like EVER (1935 and before) -- often at the cost of their lives; well, it was almost too much to bear. I had no idea that the Old White Men who run this country are so mean spirited and hateful. This has to STOP NOW.


Probably the last thing to say is; WEAR YOUR MASK! I find it mind blowing that we; the WORLD shut down all of our lives just to not make any headway because we are selfish and self deserving. A friend compared wearing a mask to wearing a bra and it's pretty much right on the nose. It is uncomfortable; you need to wear it in public; and if you're not wearing it, everyone notices. 

Rock On ... Stay Safe ... Protest for Change ... Now that we know, we can never go back!